On 11/20/2010 11:57 AM, Ghodechhap wrote:
> Use ext4. its faster that ext3 in general and has faster fsck. Mount option 
> auto_da_alloc takes care of possibility of of data loss. Besides most data 
> loss cases are reported on config files which are written, closed and renamed 
> without an fsync. Thats a case not applicable for backup purposes.
> and I still recommend btrfs :) You can snapshot the data and access it at 
> will. Something very important for backup drive.

Well, Btrfs doesn't even have a fsck yet that can repair damage and
until then recommending Btrfs is just not right.  If you want something
that is mature and stable, use Ext4 or XFS.   Btrfs will take atleast
six months to an year to be ready for wide use. 


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