On Monday 09 August 2010 11:08 PM, Mithun Shitole wrote:
On Monday 09 August 2010 03:40 PM, Akshay N. Manke wrote:
I have installed Ubuntu 10.04 and trying to configure Static IP to
internet through BSNL Broadband, but i am not able to configure
Gateway. I
am able to ping any other machine in our network because static IP and
Subnet it has taken but not able to access Internet because of gateway.
I have tried to search on the internet and also got some ways to
the IP from dynamic to Static by editing the /etc/network/interfaces
but it is showing *Read Only* file or by configuring network interface
through *Preferences> Network Connections* but it is not allowing me to
change the gateway.
you can do $sudo nano /etc/network/interfaces
Add code similar to following. ( change entries where appropriate,
make sure about eth0 by issuing command $ ifconfig )
auto eth0
iface eth0 inet static
You can exit by doing Ctrl-X and then y.
I wouldn't do that, since network manager now handles things in a much
better way.
Here is what you do,
Make sure your interfaces file is clean, remove all entires you have added.
By default the files looks like following two lines
auto lo
iface lo inet loopback
Keep only these and remove everything else
then do
sudo service network-manager restart
right click on the nm applet icon (in the indicator applet on gnome
desktop) and click on "edit connections"
Assuming you are using ethernet device click "Add" on "Wired" tab.
Fill out fields in "IPv4" tab
Method: Manual (for static ip)
ip/netmask/gateway triplex: by clicking on add button (little weird
interface, click add first and then the fields become editable)
DNS servers: and ( :) google dns addresses change to
your own taste)
Optional: click on connect automatically and change the name of the
settings in top edit box to your liking
and click apply and close the "Network connection" window.
Now if you left click on the nm applet, you should see the connection
with name you gave under "available" section. click on it and it should
bring up the interface.
If you have clicked on connect automatically then it will be brought up
on every boot.
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