On Monday 09 August 2010 03:40 PM, Akshay N. Manke wrote:
I have installed Ubuntu 10.04 and trying to configure Static IP to use
internet through BSNL Broadband, but i am not able to configure Gateway. I
am able to ping any other machine in our network because static IP and
Subnet it has taken but not able to access Internet because of gateway.
I have tried to search on the internet and also got some ways to change
the IP from dynamic to Static by editing the /etc/network/interfaces file
but it is showing *Read Only* file or by configuring network interface
through *Preferences> Network Connections* but it is not allowing me to
change the gateway.
I know this is a very minor problem but i am new in Linux world hence this
help is require.
Please Guide....
Thanks In Advance.
Have you opened the /etc/network/interfaces file with root permissions?
you can do $sudo nano /etc/network/interfaces
Add code similar to following. ( change entries where appropriate, make
sure about eth0 by issuing command $ ifconfig )
auto eth0
iface eth0 inet static
You can exit by doing Ctrl-X and then y.
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