I am coming for the frist time for this meeting since i have registored to PLUG 
so do I need to bring any documentation or any thingOn Thu, 05 Aug 2010 
13:28:38 +0530 wrote>Hi all,>>The PLUG meeting for this month has been 
scheduled on Saturday, 7th>Aug, 2010. Please note that the time and venue 
for this month's>meeting is different than usual.>Venue: College of 
Engineering, Pune (COEP). Seminar Hall 2 (also>called room 6), besides the 
Auditorium. This is on the right side of>road, while going from Sancheti to 
Sangam bridge/RTO.>Time: 5:00 PM (1700 hrs)>>Agenda: The meeting is 
scheduled immediately after the debconf, so it>will be more of an informal 
meeting where PLUG members can interact>with various people attending the 
debconf. Many of the debconf>attendees/speakers will be from outside Pune, 
so this would be a good>opportunity to 'socialise'.>We will also have a 
short 30 minute presentation on the topic of encryption.>>Hope to see you 
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