Hi all, The PLUG meeting for this month has been scheduled on Saturday, 7th Aug, 2010. Please note that the time and venue for this month's meeting is different than usual. Venue: College of Engineering, Pune (COEP). Seminar Hall 2 (also called room 6), besides the Auditorium. This is on the right side of road, while going from Sancheti to Sangam bridge/RTO. Time: 5:00 PM (1700 hrs)
Agenda: The meeting is scheduled immediately after the debconf, so it will be more of an informal meeting where PLUG members can interact with various people attending the debconf. Many of the debconf attendees/speakers will be from outside Pune, so this would be a good opportunity to 'socialise'. We will also have a short 30 minute presentation on the topic of encryption. Hope to see you all there. Cheers. Aditya. _______________________________________ Pune GNU/Linux Users Group Mailing List