On Mon, Mar 8, 2010 at 9:15 AM, Navin Kabra <navin.ka...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Fri, Mar 5, 2010 at 3:26 AM, steve <st...@lonetwin.net> wrote:
>> Why do I say that ? Well, what else can you expect when people send some
>> clueless PHBs to tech expos to present a system which is basically a
>> freaking impressive piece of hardware ! Here is what was wrong:
> If the device is indeed impressive, then I think we should try to
> extract the real story out of DSK. Given that they are here in Pune,
> we can get access to both, the device itself, and to the people who
> built the device (not just the managers and PHBs of the people who
> built the device). So if someone knowledgeable were to get a hold of
> them and talk to them to find out the real deal, that would be great.
> Any volunteers?
> If someone is interested & knowledgeable, and willing to do the
> 'interview',  I can volunteer to identify the "right" person, and
> arrange a meeting.
> navin.

The "right" person from DSK  is my friend. In fact, he has helped us
in the PLUGMASH event in 2007 by giving some 15 brand new PCs for the

Pictures here:

We were trying to arrange a meeting during GNUnify so that many more
people can  interact and exchange ideas and work further on different
applications they require. Due to a heavy schedule, it could not

We can now have a common meeting of DSK with PLUG, POCC, PuneTech and
other similar groups so that together we can have some fruitful
There is a big opportunity for various projects and applications on
that hardware platform.

Please let me know your views so that we can further go ahead.

Best regards

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