On Fri, Mar 5, 2010 at 1:10 AM, Sudhanwa Jogalekar

> Hi,
> DSK Digital (part of the DSK group from Pune) has launched this Texas
> Instruments OMAP3 600mhz ARM based full Linux computer system for a
> whole bunch of low power, even solar powered computing for on the
> field healthcare, e-governm.......etc. etc.
> And it runs FOSS !!!
> Interested to know more?
> Check out this video:
> http://www.youtube.com/watch_popup?v=Coj9y49Ysuk
> As I understand, they have big plans and require more and more
> applications to run on it.
> Huge potential here for application developers to have a tie-up with
> DSK Digital and reach out to the world!!

Wasn't really impressed by the product. It's too clunky and takes too much
space for a device with a 7 inch screen.
Why didn't the DSK guys just conecentrate on a proper Netbook form factor ?

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