On Wednesday 24 Feb 2010 11:15:47 pm jayant ogale wrote: > Date: Sat, 20 Feb 2010 12:39:35 +0530 > From: Vipul Amler <vipulnsw...@gmail.com> > Hi all,i am from PICT,my college authorities have shown keen interest > for doing sumthng towards foss,for pune&beyond,funds no bar.so any1 > interestd,may share your strangest ideas,or join d pilot later.wil > keep you'l informed bout d progres. > Cheers, > --
> hi, > can you please write your mails in plain english language? > IT student is expected to know the importance of correct [programming] > language. jayant I second that, your concept of 1337 5P34K could be a lot different than my leet speak different than l33t sp34k. Last thing we need is one more interoperatbility beast. BAIN PS: Risking a flame war, i disagree with the facts pointed out about IT industry. You don't need correct english, you need understandable _simple_ english. _______________________________________ Pune GNU/Linux Users Group Mailing List