additional :-

On Wed, Oct 14, 2009 at 14:46, Rahul Sundaram
<> wrote:
> On 10/14/2009 02:40 PM, Amit Karpe wrote:
>> Hello All,
>>          I found ubuntu project called "Ubuntu One". Project is in beta 
>> stage.
>> Which is for sharing files between Ubuntu Desktops. For this user must
>> have "Ubuntu One" account and Ubuntu Desktop with Ubuntu One Client. (
>> Launchpad account also will work.) This will work like online wepsapce
>> for your files.
>>           Ubuntu one is not like "Dropbox", which support many other
>> OS like Windows, Linux and Mac OS X.
>> Also they say "We'd like to point out that you are part of a small
>> group of respected beta users. Since we are in beta, there will be
>> bugs, and your feedback is extremely important. The team is fixing
>> these issues as well as improving the service every day."
>> Ubuntu One is online and cloud based services for Ubuntu users:
> It would have been a good service but unfortunately, Canonical's server
> side software for Ubuntu One is proprietary and unlike Dropbox, there is
> no cross platform support.  For now, I am going to stick to encrypted
> backups on the network rather than to the cloud.
I had sent a mail sometime back and they had responded saying at that
some point they would make it cross-platform as well. The bit about
proprietary is news to me.

> Rahul

          Shirish Agarwal  शिरीष अग्रवाल
  My quotes in this email licensed under CC 3.0
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