On Fri, May 22, 2009 at 10:11 PM, Devendra Laulkar
<devendralaul...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
>> Sorry for a small hijack - :)
>> That kind of brings me to a critical question -- wikis are useful for
>> slightly less formal documenting ( collaborative ) is there anything
>> that allows formal production of such ad-hoc content ?
> Yes - This should be possible. Have a look at FLOSS Manuals[1].
> They have a wiki in which people put in content and they also produce
> books out of the final content.
> I tihnk the entire thing works on Twiki. HTH.

Thanks everyone for their suggestions !!  Will check it out.
Particularly the Drupal + Tex combo looks exciting.

And I agree - you always need a technical writer to churn out the
polished content !!


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