Sorry for a small hijack - :)
> That kind of brings me to a critical question -- wikis are useful for
> slightly less formal documenting ( collaborative ) is there anything
> that allows formal production of such ad-hoc content ?
> e.g this scenario -  Some company allows its developers to create a
> wiki and disparately document its project. is it possible at a later
> point of time to collate such content easily and churn out a formal
> documentation ?  What tools will aid this process ?
> is there something that lets me take such wiki snippets and churn out
> a professional tex doc in a easy fashion :) ?

I do not know of any such tool, but I see two hurdles

1. Wiki contents, as you pointed out, are very informal/unstructured. So the
contents might not be of the quality needed for production-ready document
2. Any tool, which generate the final document, may have its own formatting
requirements (such as Docbook) which Wiki text may not be following.

Having said that, it would be interesting to find out if there is indeed
such a tool (#1 still remains a problem)


Mandar D Vaze

[image: Desi Penguin’s

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