Major problem with GRUB based systems (in my opinion) is GRUB can
easily get lost in case sudden power failures... etc as happened in
one of my friends' case and from that perspective LILO written to MBR
is better.

Now somebody may say that you can write GRUB to MBR too... but i like
LILO since it worked for me all the times..

OPENSUSE does not allow LILO during initial installation which is a
negative point for OS-Live from my perspective.

>From simplicity point of view i like Kubuntu's packages and update
mechnism but YaST is better than what is offered by Kubuntu
otherwise... and Mandriva takes the bold lead into eye-kandy workshop
from some perspective + some other things

i feel, PuppyLinux 's better than all above if it could have all
uptodate packages :-)

My RHCE friend who has seen all of these said all of these...
OpenSUSE, Mandriva and Kubuntu are easier for new user perspective
than RedHat ... ( just so they get a mention too :-)
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