On Wed, Jan 21, 2009 at 10:11 AM, Mandar Vaze <mandarv...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On 1/20/2009 6:25 PM, Manoj mahajan wrote:
> >   >Could you please send me any eBooks for the reference and tell me
> which
> >
> >> flavour is better for a beginner user like me?
> >>
> > Fedora 9/10 is best having Open Office and many applications for personal
> > use.
> > Different servers, what u need also available in Fedora.
> >
> Jan 2009 issue of Linux for You magazine is shipping Fedora 10 DVD.
> (http://www.lfymag.com/index.asp?id=13)
> Personally I would suggest Ubuntu over Fedora. LFY carried Ubuntu 8.10
> DVD in December '08

I concur about Ubuntu. And if you have trouble locating the issue, you can
always download an image off the net and burn it to CD/DVD.

Also keep in mind that using Ubuntu will almost certainly require you to use
an internet connection if you plan an installing software not included in
the single CD/DVD image.

> *---
> Mandar D Vaze
> *http://mandarvaze.wordpress.com
> http://desipenguin.wordpress.com
> http://twitter.com/mandarvaze
> --
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