Hi Prabhakar,          Its nice that you want to learn Linux. Assuming, your
are coming from the Microsoft Windows (XP) world, try installing Ubuntu
Distro of Linux.

You can download ISO image (www.ubuntu.com) and burn it on CD. Or you can
order one for free from internet (https://shipit.ubuntu.com/). It comes at
your doorstep in few days :)

Ubuntu is best for transition from the Windows to Linux. Eric Raymond highly
recommends it.  (http://www.catb.org/~esr/faqs/hacker-howto.html).

There are 2 major hurdles before you can use Linux. First one is installing
Linux and second is connecting to internet. Once you can do that, then avoid
the temptation to switch back to Windows. Keep on using Linux for all your
needs. The learning curve is bit steep, but trust us, its worth the efforts.


Sujeet Ghanvat

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