> > Yes, You are right. for such setup 64 bit distro is recommended.
> > But the other packages which I want to use must be compatible with 64 bit
> > distro. also.
> >
> Assuming that you install Ubuntu 8.04.1 64 bit edition, then:
> - the overall RAM visible would be 8 GB
> - you would be able to run a mix of 32 bit and 64 bit apps. This will
> not be a problem for you.


> As for other distros not getting installed or not responding to input
> during usage, that seems a case of either faulty device drivers or
> faulty hardware itself. I have a box at work which has a faulty
> motherboard. Ubuntu 8.04.1 and Belenix work fine on this, but CentOS
> 5.2 stops responding after about 10 minutes of uptime.

If you are talking about hardware issue then I would like share some things
with you,

I have Laptop with AMD 2.0 turion processor with 1.5GB of RAM. On that few
distro works fine such as
Suse 10.2
Ubuntu 8.04
Ubuntu 8.10 but its slow down the speed of laptop.
CentOS 5.0

I have asked HP to change the Motherboard. After changing the board I am not
able run the
Ubuntu 7.10 got hanged at the start of installation.
Suse 10.3 got hanged in few mins after booting completely
Suse 11 got hanged in few mins after booting completely

So you Hardware issue may be there but chances are less.

Thanks & Regards,
Nikhil Kala
Blogs @ http://www.nikhilkala.com
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