On Thu, Dec 25, 2008 at 10:55 PM, Nikhil Kala <nikhilrk...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Were you trying a 64 bit distro or 32 bit? For such a setup, 64 bit distro.
> Yes, You are right. for such setup 64 bit distro is recommended.
> But the other packages which I want to use must be compatible with 64 bit
> distro. also.

Assuming that you install Ubuntu 8.04.1 64 bit edition, then:
- the overall RAM visible would be 8 GB
- you would be able to run a mix of 32 bit and 64 bit apps. This will
not be a problem for you.

As for other distros not getting installed or not responding to input
during usage, that seems a case of either faulty device drivers or
faulty hardware itself. I have a box at work which has a faulty
motherboard. Ubuntu 8.04.1 and Belenix work fine on this, but CentOS
5.2 stops responding after about 10 minutes of uptime.

-- Sriram

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