On 02-Oct-08, at 8:09 PM, Rajiv Gore wrote:

> On Thursday 02 October 2008 18:47, Shantanoo Mahajan (शंतनू  
> महाजन) wrote:
>> On 02-Oct-08, at 6:22 PM, Rajiv Gore wrote:
>>>> Have you checked if port 110 is not blocked by iptables?
>>>> -- Arun Khan
>>> Could you please inform me how to check if the port is working or
>>> blocked?
>>> Thanks for help
>> telnet <host> 110
>> regards,
>> shantanoo
> Thanks. It appears to be blocked. Now how do I open it.
> -- 
> Rajiv Gore

- Try running the telnet command on the server machine (use localhost)
- If it is still blocked, then it means dovecot is not running. Need  
to check configuration.
- Else as Rajiv said, you need to check firewall on your server and  
fix it.

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