On 02-Oct-08, at 7:22 PM, Rajiv Gore wrote:

> Hi
> I am trying to set up an email server for 5 PC network . 1 PC run on  
> Windows
> NT, 1 Win 98 and 3 PCs suse 10.2.
> I am trying to go with Postfix+Dovecot so that all users on Win and  
> Suse Pcs
> can access their mail using Outlook, Kmail MTA.
> Having lot of problems with Dovecot and have no success yet with  
> setting up
> the server.
> Can any once suggest an easier and quick scheme.!Also is this scheme  
> working
> any where?
> Thanks for help in advance.

dovecot is one of the easiest POP3/IMAP/POP3S/IMAPS server I have came  
across. You
need to make changes in only one file to make it running. My  
suggestion is to give
one more chance to dovecot and go through the config file.


PS: Avoid using pop3s and imaps to configure in first attempt if its  
not necessary.

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