I am trying to set up an email server for 5 PC network . 1 PC run on Windows 
NT, 1 Win 98 and 3 PCs suse 10.2. 
I am trying to go with Postfix+Dovecot so that all users on Win and Suse Pcs 
can access their mail using Outlook, Kmail MTA.

Having lot of problems with Dovecot and have no success yet with setting up 
the server.
Can any once suggest an easier and quick scheme.!Also is this scheme working 
any where?
Thanks for help in advance.

Rajiv Gore
Sai Links (India) Pvt. ltd
L-213 MIDC
Ahmednagar -414 111
MS, India
Tele 091-241-2778935
Fax 091-241-2423284

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