On Thu, May 29, 2008 at 11:04 AM, Rahul Sundaram
> ഓം wrote:
>> On Thu, May 29, 2008 at 10:19 AM, Rahul Sundaram
>> < wrote:
>>> ഓം wrote:
>>>> Whosoever calls for *clear separation*  (i think) has a burden upon
>>>> self to define what is *clear* and what is *separation* and also what
>>>> is *clear separation*  as it applies to the work giving enough
>>>> examples on both the sides...
>>> I am not calling for "clear separation". I am merely explaining to you
>>> the
>>> implication of the license. For further details, you should actually read
>>> the license itself especially the sections regarding derived work and
>>> relevant copyright laws.
>>> Rahul
>> I think you are refering to copyleft laws while arguing...
> There is no such thing as "copyleft" laws. So no, I am not referring to
> anything like that.
> Rahul

:-) if there is a smiley to represent (p)silence...
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