On Tue, May 6, 2008 at 8:14 PM, ഓം <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Using KMail 1.9.9 KDE 3.5.9
>  The problem is serious.  I enabled periodic fetch for just one account
>  of few worth checking.. and it started fetching mail every 10 seconds
>  when the interval was set to 9 minutes..
>  When I tried to disable it now it does not work...
>  So thought this must be getting cached somewhere and hence cleaned KDE
>  (Konq) cache thinking it may be somewhat related..
>  I usually launch KMail alone not the whole of Kontact...

My advise to the community will be the one from the James Bond
Movie... the name of which I forget to remember as usual...
^^Don't start something which you can not stop^^...
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