On Mon, Feb 25, 2008 at 2:58 PM, ഓം <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  Another piece of (unwanted) advise.  Start with your existing PC, and
>  start using OpenOffice instead of MSOffice and then you would learn
>  whatever you need to lean about it.  YOu already know Linux... So tell
>  us where you need help and I am sure there are plenty of people
>  willing to help... including the the undersigned.

Aaah.. perhaps I've not communicated my "real world use cases" properly.

I listed them there as problems that non tech folks encounter, and as
an example of just what "non tech" discussions around Linux could
involve :)

I myself am a sysadmin + developer with Thoughtworks Bangalore, and
enjoy porting applications to Solaris for fun :)

Incidentally, I'm now using OSX on my Macbook pro, in a bid to
understand the usability improvements that Apple has made to the world
of GUI interactions.

>  --
>  Those who can't help themselves can not usually help others!


-- Sriram
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