On Fri, Feb 22, 2008 at 10:37 PM, ഓം <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > My opinion is that silent worker lot contributes more but I could be > wrong on all counts! >
I think both types do their bit. Silent workers distribute CDs, help out with problem solving in person, figure out how to port applications and to get functionality to work, etc. The organizing and speaking type spreads the message to many persons at the same time, and also makes events happen. The silent workers may or may not congregate at such events, depending upon the availability of free time and of how shy they are about meeting other tech enthusiasts. One segment would do more than the other at any given time depending upon the time and forum available for interactions. On CSLug, for e.g., we have lots of people reading the posts, and different people asking questions every now and then. I'm amazed at the variety of questions that get asked, and at how there still are newbies in the city. This leads me to believe that someone may have introduced them to Linux and Open Source software, and that the silent workers are very active :) -- Ram
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