
  check if running the below from init level 3 hels

$ system-config-display --reconfig

On Tue, 2008-01-15 at 10:15 +0530, chetan surana wrote:
> I am new user to linux and I have installed centos 5 on my laptop hp
> pavillion tx1220us which has nividia grahics card. During installation
> process everything worked out correctly and even saw the Display and all
> other features of this Centos . But during second boot login screen never
> appeared and screen went blank. I tried booting many times but login screen
> did not come up after that and display went blank total. When I saw the show
> details during booting process every services were starting properly. But
> after all services started display went blank and no login screen appeared.
> I even waited for 15min after that but nothing happened.
> Is any out there who knows what the problem is? How to get out of it? Please
> help.
Ritesh Khadgaray
ॐ मणि पद्मे हूँ
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