On Nov 6, 2007 1:47 AM, Kaustubh Gadkari <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Nov 5, 2007 10:56 AM, ಓಂ <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >I am eager to learn how I can
> > teach kids about **Linux** and any personal learning in that effort is
> > *not* waste for me...
> Never said it was. My point was, this list is not the appropriate
> forum to seek the information you wanted.

in my opinion this list is one of the **most** appropriate places to
seek information about Linux (and it's mascot)!

That is my exact point...

This is post facto but google and yahoo did not give any valuable
information related to the search I was doing.

And if you feel the thread subject is inappropriate please feel free
to start a new thread.. I believe that was the same argument presented
to people while forming the name of the society.  But people concerned
(at the helm) have left us to do rest of the work by deciding to keep
name as *Pune Linux Users' Group* and adding GNU in the Objectives..
Have we progressed any further beyond that?

Thanks anyone who tried to help constructively including a gentle
reminder of possibility of troll by DL (Dalai Lama :-) ?

Surprisingly nobody pointed about possibility of troll when it was
**Sign a Petition against M$**  till the good sense prevailed there!

Ad-hominems do not work in case FSF throwing mud at M$ either!...

what has worked is people who love Linux actually spreading the
message of *thinking with open mind*
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