On Nov 5, 2007 10:56 AM, ಓಂ <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> alright let's discuss FREEDUC under the same thread !!
> will that make it on-topic for you?

On *this* thread? No. On a new thread, yes.

>I am eager to learn how I can
> teach kids about **Linux** and any personal learning in that effort is
> *not* waste for me...

Never said it was. My point was, this list is not the appropriate
forum to seek the information you wanted.

>i also know that generalizing what you don't
> like as *troll* is a common tactic used to throw people off-track...

Ad-hominems really do not work. :-)

Anyways, I've made my point. I'm out of this thread.
Kaustubh Gadkari
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