> This printer works under linux, I had got it working > using lpr. > Try it out in the labs using a knoppix CD. It should > work. > But I don't recommend buying a dot-matrix printer. > Also, I don't think that the proff's care about from > where you print the assignments as long you do them > yourself. > > Devendra
Thanks. Actually, I'm not buying anything - the office is purchasing one new printer, and they want to get rid of one, and I can pick which one I can have, and I can pick either the Canon inkjet (which doesn't work at all) or the dot-matrix, which will be useful for printing college related stuff (they don't accept anything not printed on a dot-matrix. So it's confirmet - the MSP245 it is. Thanks! -- धर्म एव हतो हन्ति धर्मो रक्षति रक्षितः। तस्माद् धर्मो न हन्तव्यो मा नो धर्मो हतोऽवधीत्॥
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