
> Does anyone here have any experience in trying to
> run the TVS MSP245
> printer on Linux?
> Right now, I have a choice between a Canon inkjet
> printer, which is
> completely unsupported by Canon, and the dot-matrix
> TVS MSP245.
> My requirements in this regard are peculiar - I
> would rather go for
> the dot-matrix anyway, because our college requires
> that I print out
> all code and assignments using a dot-matrix printer.
> Thus I want to know if the MSP245 is supported on
> Linux or not.

This printer works under linux, I had got it working
using lpr.
Try it out in the labs using a knoppix CD. It should
But I don't recommend buying a dot-matrix printer.
Also, I don't think that the proff's care about from
where you print the assignments as long you do them


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