On Tuesday 02 January 2007 22:16, Shantanu Kulkarni wrote:
> According to my study a couple of years back squid saved me around 17%
> of bandwidth. This for me was very helpful since bandwidth was costly
> then. I am not sure if that is useful for anyone's home PC.
> You may have to use additional products to save more. This is just
> for records.

I generally set konqueror web cache to 150MB *per user*. It makes quite a 
difference in browsing speed, coupled with my on dns caching server and stop 
kde looking for ipv6.

How much BW it saves, I don't know but speed is substantially better. I think 
if one uses same browser all the time, just bumping the web cache should be 

Of course, don't back it up. One day I wondered why my home dir was 500MB+ 
till I discovered web caches, font caches, google earth data etc. Back up is 
no longer just tarring the home dir.. :(


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