
>  Yes, they are going to give 2 MBPS line. But it's a
> crazy idea. 

Which any other player is not offering. Note that
private players end up carteling together and giving
you the "illusion " of choice. The government telecom
companies have always led to lower prices IMHO.

> instead of
> giving 2 MBPS line, they could have think of giving
> unlimited usage @ at the
> cheap rate. What is the use of 2 MBPS line
> otherwise? 

They do have unlimited plans. Also, the first step of
providing so called "unlimited" plans is giving
current offers cheap.

>I am pretty
> sure it's just to
> attract customers. 2 MBPS line > Surely they mean
> shared 2 MBPS line , but
> not 1:1 line of 2 MBPS of speed.
> Crazy govt always make people fool. 

Private players are making a bigger fool of people. 
Priavte players are not operating in as many area as
BSNL is. Private players are greedy. Most of them
demand cash in advance - and afterwards leave you
helpless. Regarding tech support - I have personally
got better tech support from BSNL than private

Secondly - BSNL is not making tall claims. Where it is
not possible for them to provide service, they do not
give service. Unlike some private players, who take
all the money in advance and promise to install
everything in 2 weeks and then dissapear for months
together. I had this experience with Iqara and

> We dont need 2
> MBPS line to browse
> internet. Yes to download data that is of 3~4 GB,
> surely  some1 need 2 MBPS
> line. But that would cost a lot and lot. When limit
> of downloading is there,
> 2 MBPS line makes no sence.

They do have an option of free downloads between 2am -
8am which in my opinion is reasonable.

Anyways, we can keep discussing about this for years
together I guess.

Devendra Laulkar.

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