Guys one Point I liked mentioned above was
1. Demands decides what is avaialbe. - Truly speaking Pirated Windows is
what is in Demand

Well with Windoz Vista "security" for pirated softwares getting tougher by
the day gives us an opportunity, to spread Linux awareness as FREE and EASY
to use with already available softwares driver support. If the publicity
goes good, the demand graph turns by itself....

Why break your head with a PIL, but the time it gets heard you grandkids
would be out of college!!

*Varun Mehta*

imagination is more important then knowledge

On 14/11/06, Manas Alekar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Yes, a manufacturer can sell a car without a steering. If most people
buying them, will you file a PIL ? If the manufacturer prints in bold on
handouts with fancy logos a big banner saying "STEERING" not included, and
people still buy it, will the court let you file a PIL ?

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