First thing is that it is known that one can go to
any shop and check 99% of the IT hardwares and
services are only provided with "Windows only"
The idea here is why should a country like
India (which has to import these hardwares)
have a policy to import and sell a hardware
which are only supported by PAID software.
Above result in a multifold drain of forex . . .
Its high time that India should have some such
A free market is governed by supply and demand. And India is a free
market (more or less). The government can only make suggestions, and
that too only for procurement inside government organisations, not in
the private sector. It is neither democratic nor possible to force any
company to provide any service that it doesnt want to. Companies
provide Windows compatible hardware because thats what the market
The government should not have any such policy. Every individual has a
right to choose for himself and the market moves according to what
majority of the individuals choose.
How about the government making a policy that everyone should use mutt
as an email client as against the Novel Groupwise Internet Agent that
you seem to prefer? Nothing personal, just giving an example. Don't
assume high moral ground.
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