Hi all,
Hi all let me put my question in proper way. Say for example , There are two clients (client1 & client2) connected to a server ( server0 ) and both have got there own Graphical display. My Question is : Is it possible to have a common display for both of the clients simutaneously ? How ? Another one , Is it possible to for client2 to view what client1 is doing passively (I mean client2 can only view what client1 is doing ) ? How? Are the above two things possible for a telnet session also ? Please .. please give me the detailed explanation of how it is to be done and also send me the links of the resources from where I can extract the information .. I always connect to the server0 by doing export DISPLAY .. through client1 but then if I have to sit on Client2 and then get the display over there the I have to logout from client1 and then connect to server0 from client2 using export DISPLAY again and starting all the GUI APPLICATIONS again. Please help me on this. I hope my question is clear & all of you will understand it !!! Waiting for the sweet Reply ;-) -- (First Language must abide by the Understanding and then Understanding must abide by the Language) Regards, Prathamesh Suryavanshi. ( प्रथमेश सुर्यवन्शि )
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