Finally **I** have a concern:

1. When the participants (you are possibly a veteran) of this forum
start ignoring the basic etiquettes, what happens to the forum:

Please read Point 18 under the sub-section "Posting to the List" in
the section "Mailing List Etiquette". Except when using abbreviations,
you should not capitalize ... like you have with the words - lot, all
and fact - none of which are abbreviations. You surely know,
capitalization is the electronic way of shouting at people.

As you've noticed, entire sentences aren't capitalized. If you try
reading aloud my post and shouting when you encounter capitalized
word, i think you'll find it is very difficult. Point I am making is
that yes, I am aware that capitalizing is equivalent of shouting (if
everything is in caps) I think when individual words are capitalized
it has an effect of putting *stress* of certain words, which is
certainly what I was going for.

Thanks for reminding me of the rules. I link your style of using
asterix around the word one needs to stress. I've already used in in
this post :)

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