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Nikhil wrote:
> Hi All,
> I want know solution for  a little problem. There is
> one problem occurred  with SUSE 10.1 which might have
> faced by some people.
>       I have 865 chip set M/B having SATA port. I have a
> SATA 160GB & a 40GB HDD. I can able to connect a SATA
> & one IDE Device (HDD/ cd-rom), I removed 40GB HDD and
> connect the cd-rom to installed SUSE 10.1.
> installation completed without any error, it also auto
> mounted the windows partition. Then I remove cd-rom &
> connected 40GB HDD, again boot in SUSE 10.1 linux but
> get stuck while booting and giving error, it is not
> able to find the root partition
>       If I remove my 40GB HDD then SUSE works fine without
> any error. Please tell me the solution for this if
> anybody knows...

Hi Nikhil,

Most important thing: Next time you post a question on this list please try to 
frame it in
good/proper English.

Solution to your problem:
It looks like when you add the 40 GB HDD it is getting set as primary master 
which is disturbing the
identification of SATA drive by SuSE i.e. currently SuSE is identifying it as 
/dev/hda and after
adding 40GB HDD, SATA becomes /dev/hda (or hdb) and 40 GB HDD becomes /dev/hda.
Due to this SuSE can't find root partition on /dev/hda (now 40 GB HDD)

If you can post here the entries from /etc/boot/grub.conf then the situation 
will be more clear.

You can edit the entries in grub menu on the fly at the start of booting (when 
menu is displayed) by
pressing 'e' on the kernel line.

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