Hi All,

I want know solution for  a little problem. There is
one problem occurred  with SUSE 10.1 which might have
faced by some people.
        I have 865 chip set M/B having SATA port. I have a
SATA 160GB & a 40GB HDD. I can able to connect a SATA
& one IDE Device (HDD/ cd-rom), I removed 40GB HDD and
connect the cd-rom to installed SUSE 10.1.
installation completed without any error, it also auto
mounted the windows partition. Then I remove cd-rom &
connected 40GB HDD, again boot in SUSE 10.1 linux but
get stuck while booting and giving error, it is not
able to find the root partition
        If I remove my 40GB HDD then SUSE works fine without
any error. Please tell me the solution for this if
anybody knows...

Thanks & Regards,
Nikhil Kale

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