hi all,

i was trying to read esakal on my ubuntu 5.10.

i was trying to run the commands as per what these
guys are saying...

4.Make sure that name of the font is 'subak.ttf' and
not 'SUBAK.ttf'. If required convert the name to lower
case i.e. 'subak.ttf'.
5.Use command 'ttmkfdir>fonts.scale'.
6.Use command 'mkfontdir'. 

but at line 5, i am getting foll err:
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/local/bin/ttffonts$ sudo
bash: fonts.scale: Permission denied
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/local/bin/ttffonts$

I also installed the extention from 
but even after that I see junk character on esakal

can anyone help me with this problem?


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