A G wrote:

| but at line 5, i am getting foll err:
| [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/local/bin/ttffonts$ sudo
| ttmkfdir>fonts.scale
| bash: fonts.scale: Permission denied
| [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/local/bin/ttffonts$
Never tried this way. Generally installed font on
in ~/.fonts.

Copy the .ttf in ~/.fonts directory.
Run 'fc-cache'. Then verify with 'fc-list'.
Copying in ~/.fonts would enable the font for local
users only, I think.

kubuntu has font installer option in the system settings panel. Using that I installed the fonts.
Now I can read the esakal site.

(Perhaps the esakal guys should be told to put the directions of simple GUI install rather than some half baked commands which might not work on all distros.)

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