Hello all,
I had installed MDV2006 and used my /home from MDK10.1.
Everything went nice, I did not find it so different. Though
on KDE3.4 it appeared slow to me, so i wanted to revert to
MDK10.1. I again installed mdk10.1 and used the same /home
(on separate /dev/hda6) but this time user account could not
access this partition as well as none of the programs could
write to this /home/user. I tried resetting permission to 777,
but on reboot it used to revert. In frustration i backed up my
data and deleted /home/ranjit. I failed to unhide hidden files.
My mail has been lost. Can anyone suggest some recovery procedure.
Also where is kmail mail stored?(/home/user/.Mail/inbox/cur ?)
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