> I have done a lot of installation for net based cyber cafe's before.
> As far as the cost is concerned you just need the pc's and the hub to
> be honest and also not to forget the cat5 cables that's it !

Have you considered setting up Linux Terminal server ? That could keep
the costs of PCs down. You could avoid HDD altogether and go with
diskless workstation.

AFAIK, users in Cybercafe wouldn't save anything locally (May be
floppy/USB Drives, but not to local HDD)

You may be able to invest little more (better h/w) for server by
saving costs on low end machines for workstations.

> As far as the distro is concerned you can pick anyone say FC4 which is
> good or mandrake or anything else.

Also check http://pxes.sourceforge.net/

You could also let each machine boot with Knoppix or its variant. You
can remaster it to your taste (Your cybercafe logo, your choice of
programs etc)

> You just have to install the distro on each of the machines and just
> put the ip's and stuff nothin else is required to be done...

What applications do you need to install ? OpenOffice (or MSWord
Viewer) might be needed if users want to open MS Word document sent to
them on their email.
Same for xls/ppt files as attachments.

How are you planning to upgrade the machines over the period of time ?
LSTP or thinclient solution might be useful here.

I would like to visit your cafe once it is inaugurated.
Best of Luck !!


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