> > From: Nilesh Pathak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> I would kine to start Net-Cafe at Banner. I would
> like
> to know your suggessions on the setup as well as
> cost
> effective connectivity for it. I wanted to start all
> Linux nodes (non-windows)..
> If someone has setup same as Net-Cafe please let me
> know. So that I can visit the place to get some
> help.

Its dangerous to start a CyberCafe in these days of
affordable internet at home. Instead become a ISP.

Another suggestion : Try getting wireless internet
connections from two different vendors to be always

> As far as the distro is concerned you can pick
> anyone say FC4 which is
> good or mandrake or anything else.

Mandrake is best so try the next best thing -
Mandriva2005 or 2006

If you have more than one machines then thats good to
test different Linux distros. And dont forget to tell
us which U chose and why.

-Saint Zyx

Infoligence Associates,
Information Intelligence Through Power of Oneness !



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