> for the 384k and say 5GB for 256k (Rs700) plan, so I dont have to stay
> awake till 2am and wake up again before 8am? boohoo :-(

When you say you can download 30GB odd, I'm assuming that you are
planning to download files, music, movies, ISO etc and not streaming
data, normal browsing ...

If the assumption is true there are ways to download stuff without you
being awake at odd hours.
1. Get UPS/Ensure power doesn't go out at night.
2. Get download managers like "Free Download Manager"
(http://www.freedownloadmanager.org/ ) which allow scheduled download.
3. Before going to bed, schedule "big" downloads
4. Switch off only the monitor.
5. Go to bed
6. Wake up at whatever time you do and find that your downloads are
complete *AND* you are NOT billed for that :)

Enjoy !!!


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