On Tuesday 26 July 2005 09:20 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Hi
>   I downloaded kernel 2.6.5 from kernel.org and
> compiled.
> IV, Seagate SCSI harddisk using SATA, root partition
> is EXT3
> I tried many combinations of SCSI and SATA but all
> failed
> cant figure out the problem

You should use the latest kernel in order to use SATA effectively,
you need to find out if 2.6.5 supports the SATA controller (the hd brand 
doesn't matter, 'lspci -v 'should show you) you have ( i guess thats the main 
problem). 2.6.5 had very less SATA support so i don't think you will have ne 
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