         Did you enable support for the FS in the kernel during 
menuconfig/xconfig ?
        If you enabled FS support as a module,then did you create
an initrd image ?
        I have not used a SCSI drive,but i guess it needs
support too ? I had problems when, by mistake i disabled 
IDE support.After compiling it into the kernel it worked fine.

- Pranav

> When booted from the kernel got the message:
> VFS: cannot mount root fs from unknown block(0,0)
> I m using FC 3 (kernel 2.6.9) on Intel 915 board, P
> IV, Seagate SCSI harddisk using SATA, root partition
> is EXT3

Basically, Doom is a (violent) 3D arcade game where you run around
 in a maze and kill things with shotguns and chainsaws.... 
After you get tired of killing things, you can run it over a network 
and kill things together with your friends. After you get tired of that,
 you can kill your friends.
      FAQ : Doom

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