+++ Gurudatta Raut [PLUG] [03-07-05 05:30 -0700]: | Hi, | | Sorry but some good person from PLUG told me to use | | - rpm - ivh Filename.rpm
'rpm -ivh Filename.rpm' | | I used it. TO my shock it gave message that it | required 4 more packages. Packages are generally dynamically linked. If they are compiled staticaly, there wouldn't be such problems, but then space becomes the issue. | | I was installing FireFox, Its a shame that now I am | using Firefox on WindowsXP, which got installed in a | breeze. Same reason. | | Now my question is , what are the alternatives to RPM. | | I am a VB developer, When we package software we take | care that all the required files are with the | setup.exe. Do you know what exactly is 'setup.exe'? Maybe JRE installer for Linux can be considered on similar topology(?). Well do you know about MSI? IIRC, even nullsoft has come up with their own installer. | | So, what is the setup.exe equivalent in LINUX ? | Can you please elaborate more on what do you mean by 'what is the setup.exe equivalent in linux'? - script can be written which will download the source file, compile it locally, do the installation - Just copy the statically linked binaries and start working - use package manager. rpm, urpmi, apt-get, yum, dpkg, emerge, ports(*BSD).... Regards, Shantanoo -- ______________________________________________________________________ Pune GNU/Linux Users Group Mailing List: (plug-mail@plug.org.in) List Information: http://plug.org.in/mailing-list/listinfo/plug-mail Send 'help' to [EMAIL PROTECTED] for mailing instructions.