--- Shantanoo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> +++ Gurudatta Raut [PLUG] [07-07-05 11:39 -0700]:
> Suggestion:
> - Read what RPM is and how it works.
> Probably then you will understand why it is so.
> Also try to find out what happens when you double
> click in windows and
> in any other *Desktop Manager* like KDE, Gnome, etc.


I am a Linux User Mr.

> By heavier if you mean to say size will increase,

> JDK installation on
> all distros and versions doesn't change. Eg. RH 9,
> SuSE 9.3, Debian

It deepends on the required dependencies.

> Also, it would be nice if you can share your
> knowledge regarding how

Thats a closely Guarded secret by MS. The mistake of
LINUX developers is not to ask users how they want

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