I was just thinking what things would be nessesary to create a Ideal Desktop Linux Distro. When I say "Ideal" I mean that a Newbie should be able to operate it and should feel that it is more easier/as easy to operate as Windows.
I found current Desktop Distros lacking certain features . I have listed them below.
1) Lack of a graphical application installers (aka Installsheild) and a Add/Remove option in Control Panel (control panel discussed below)
Install Shield X is available but what about a GNU tool.
2) Dependency Problems
How about a installer that bundles all the required dependencies and installs them if needed. I think I have heard of a installer called Autoinstall, but cant confirm it.
3) Office Apps (heavy OO)
I havent checked out OO 2.0 beta , but OO is pretty heavy on the system.
A lighter Office suite (need not have all the feature that OO has, 80 to 90 % of OO features will do). Should be fast
4) A light webbrowser and Mail Client (Mozilla was earlier bundled) Firefox has taken care of this :-). Evolution and thunderbird shine here.
5) Application in MSWin that allows Access to a linux FS. (A tool is available for ext2..cant remember name)
Could any body point to a Tool that allows Access to ReiserFS from win.
6) A light window manager (KDE and GNOME are still heavy for a 128 mb ram system)
XFCE/ IWM rock.
7) Media Player with capablity to play all/most media files. Mplayer with plugins is great (Licensing issues have to be taken care of)
8) No need to edit any config file (Control Panel)
This has been taken care off properly by modern desktop distros but some distros still have multiple control panels
YAST is great in this regard but extremely slow.
9) Behavior and look and feel a bit like MSWin.
This is what I think is not actually nessesary. Linux WM's can do a lot more but This is for those Windows USers who like operating windows.
XPDE is good. But could do better.
10) One app for one job. Desktop Distros once again shine here. But choice of apps not always good.
Please let me know any comments/suggestions . Please also let me know what you would like to see in a "Ideal Desktop Linux Distro".
Regards, Kedar Koppikar
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