On Tuesday 15 March 2005 21:30, Kedar wrote:
> Hi All,
> I was just thinking what things would be nessesary to create a Ideal
> Desktop Linux Distro. When I say "Ideal" I mean that a Newbie should be
> able to operate it and should feel that it is more easier/as easy to
> operate as Windows.

See, as far as trying to mimic Windows is concerned, if Linux or GNU were to 
be like Windows, where would the difference be? As far as my choice of a 
desktop distro goes, I would give a thumbs up to :-
a) Suse -- for newbies and power-users alike
b) Ubuntu/Slackware -- for intermediate and power users

If you are talking about responsive desktops(GNOME and KDE respectively) then 
the default desktops that come with Ubuntu/Slackware surpass the default 
Windows desktop in performance, looks and productivity.

Installers, while Slackware still lacks from the availability of a true 
package management system, Ubuntu is based on Debian and has Synaptic which 
is the easiest interface one can have to install software. Install KDE on 
Ubuntu and you have KPackage, which is equally great.

Try OO.o 2.0 beta for an extended duration of time. For once, I feel OO.o 
beats M$ Office hands down... And I dont even have 512 MB RAM as Vishal 

One app per job -- Hard to do. With Linux and GNU, so many choices are 
available that you cant satisfy all and sundry with one app per job. For 
example I love kate, someone else loves gedit, some else cant do without 
emacs and there sure would be someone who would swear by vi. Select one app, 
you alienate the remaining people who dont use that particular program.

>From what I have seen recently my vote goes to Ubuntu for being the standout 
distro, that is easy to install, responsive, provides excellent and extensive 
hardware support, is powerful, stable and above all "luser" friendly.....

Those who in quarrels interpose, must often wipe a bloody nose.

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