 I want to use QT on Windows with GCC (cygwin/Dev-C++). All I found
that QT on windows can only be used with MSVC++. How ca I use with
Bloodshed Dev-C++ (GCC).

On Wed, 09 Mar 2005 09:08:10 +0530, Binulal Narayanan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Somesh Bartakke wrote:
> >>1) How can I learn the QT.
> >>
> >>
> >for QT library Base language is C++, need to know C++ and concept of signal
> >handling etc.
> >
> >
> >
>     In fact, Learn Qt,  C++ will follow :)   Believe me!  Anyway you
> need a good command on C.  If you going to talk abt all the funda that
> will help you with learning Qt, you'd also have a little knowledge about
> working of X Windows and clients.    The C++ required to master Qt is
> just the concept of classes and inheritance, which any - C - programmer
> can acquire in an hour or two.  An engineering background helps a lot.
>     I'd say one should
>          a) start from the online tutorials
>          b) go through the example programs and then
>          c) work on the designer before start reading any book.  Once
> you are confortable with the coding style you may or may not go for a
> book, depending on your needs
> regards
> Binulal Narayanan
> --
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