
I can't help you in a direct way, since I don't know
much abt Linux tools. But let me give you my eg of
windows copying. This can help you.

Consider the .dat file size of the movie "Dil Chahata
Hai". Its 820 MB or something when its on a hdd. I had
650 or 700 MB sprint CDs (I dont remember the exact
szie). I directly burnt the DCH files as a simple VCD
movie on my sprints. Nero gave some warning that the
data size is more than the destination capacity. But I
ignored that warning and continued burning further.
And I was able to create a regular movie VCD. This CD
works perfect on my comp., as well as VCD player.

Same was the case with other bigger movies like "Lord
of the rings".


 --- Debajit Adhikary <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
> Hi 
> I'd like to rip a movie on DVD such that it fits one
> CD -- so that its
> under around 700MB say...
> I've used mencoder for this, but the resulting .avi
> always seems to be
> over 900MB. (I've tried scaling it to a lower
> resolution as well --
> 512xHHH, DivX5 -- but that didnt seem to help).

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